We went to see Winston-Salem's 100th Air Show this weekend and I took way less pictures than I should have. Hence no picture of the stealth bomber! The Skyhawk was a close second though! I was so caught up in the sights and sounds staring at the magnificent planes and pilots overhead I often only managed a "Wow!" and nothing more.

The idea was for them to share the monster size cups of frozen lemonade with us, but there were not a lot of sharing going on. Caramel will soon after I take the cup from her yell (while jumping up and down): "Mommy you are breaking everything apart! Mommy!!!!" Only when I hastily hand it back to her was she content with the fact that I did not do too much damage to the mountains and valleys she carved into the frozen concoction.

The aerobatic planes were absolutely fantastic. I could not believe what these ex-air force pilots were able to do with the planes. Unbelievable and just a little bit scary. Iceman and Maverick had nothing on these guys!