Fortunately for me; I love it. I love coming up with an itinerary of ideas. It does not matter if it is travel, food, work, parties or figuring out what I would like to do with our girls every day of the week! And fortunately for me too; the girls have been blessed with the same genes.

UPS Boxes Make Great Impromptu "Puppet" Shows
I finally sat them down this week and talked about our school at home. We picked out a name for our school, which might still change ten times before we pick a winner. We had a competition to see who can whiz around the fastest on their swivel chairs; but all joking aside we talked about learning at home and what it means and all the activities we will be involved in. They are so excited! I had to tell them more than once this week to put their math and science books away, but they want to start "school" right away!!!

Magnetic Mosaics
We have been playing, swimming, hiking in the woods, creating masterpieces in the driveway, marveling at fuzzy tailed insects and woodpeckers drilling away and most importantly just laughing!! Wait a minute...........I guess school is already in session!!
