While sitting out under the huge umbrellas; shooing bees hellbent on sharing in the deliciousness; munching on some sandwiches, we marveled at the beautiful flowers and the odd looking paddle boarders gliding by shouting instructions at each other seemingly oblivious to the audience gawking at them from the picnic grounds.

Once we were finished with our lunch we got our sketch pads out and set off for the woods. There were so many amazing flowers,insects, butterflies (they are too pretty to be lumped together with other insects) and wild berries to study up close.

At the pier we met up with two fishermen. When I looked at them I thought the only things missing from this scene were a hook on one arm and a sword in another and someone jumping out at us shouting "Arrrrrrrrrr mateys!". They gruffly offered to show us their catch kept underwater in a fisherman's net. But I could not help feeling like we've been lured away by the witch in Hansel and Gretel to eat from the house made of delicious sweets. Once we snapped a few pictures of the fish I quickly cajoled the kids off the pier to investigate "new" frontiers.

Once we were done studying the woods it did not take

My wish for them is to build the most magical childhood memories and even when they are all grown up, to still have that sense of wonder about them and the world around them. It does not matter if it is staring out over the ocean thinking when to catch the next wave on a surf board, or if it is painting the next piece of artwork, or designing a new high rise. I will be there all the way to cheer them on.