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Saturday, December 29, 2012

Trip to South Africa

We've just come back from a trip to South Africa and there are so many thoughts and feelings floating through my mind.  Too many actually.  It is overwhelming to summarize in a few short paragraphs, but it is catapulting so many plans into my head because one thing I truly am is a resourceful spirit!  I love thinking through ideas and figuring out "what can I do to make this happen?"  and sometimes I come up with impossible possibilities, but sometimes I come up with useful changes.

 Table Mountain

I question things;  make changes and challenge myself.  I believe it absolutely necessary!  

White Lions
It is hard to live so far away from your family.  It is really, truly hard!  I might be sulking a little bit over the coming days while readjusting sleeping and eating patterns.  I did not even want to get out of my pajamas today.  When hubby asked me if we are going to unpack all the bags by end of day I had a proverbial shot gun pointed at him with an imaginary sergeant major yelling in the background "Fire at will!"

Sunset at Beach House

Deep down I'm happy.  I am privileged to have all these people in my life.  Despite our differences and indifferences we need each other and spending time together is restorative.   It is good for me to renew and revisit the images and experiences I share with people and places I grew up with.  It grounds me.  It helps keep me from floating away, which is quite easy to do living in another country!

 Knysna Forest

So here is to "not floating away" in 2013!  May it be a year in which I get down to business and get those bags unpacked sooner rather than later!